Insurance Agent Funny Sayings Pool Sayings

by Taber Streur

Please note: This post was created 6 years ago. While some content is still relevant, others should be used as a creative opportunity for you to create something similar or up-to-date.

If you're having trouble coming up with fresh content for your insurance agent social media posts, use these free posts that we've put together! Marketing your Social Media for Insurance Agentsinsurance agency shouldn't be time consuming. Especially with social media. Keep in mind the best social media posts for insurance agents will be local involvement issues, pictures of your agency (events, celebrations, costumes, local events etc.).

  1. Have a safe and Happy 4th of July!
  2. Want to check that text message while cruising down the street? Check out this infographic first. Drive safely!
  3. With all the storms this summer has brought, is anyone thinking about storm preparedness? Does anyone have any tips they would like to share?
  4. There are so many things to prepare before sending your kids off to college. Here is a helpful checklist to make sure things are not missed. Also, don't forget to ask your agent about auto, renters, health and life insurance for your student!
  5. Share photos of the current weather in your city. Encourage your fans to caption the photo.
  6. Do you talk with your teens about online safety? What are some of your recommendations for staying safe online?
  7. Mother Nature can be calm and tranquil, but she can also be quite destructive. Sometimes that destruction can cause a rise in insurance premiums.
  8. #RandomFactFriday: Many useful products we use every day were mistakes. Chocolate chip cookies, Post-it notes, Penicillin, the X-Ray…and floating soap? Ivory's floating bar soap was a mistake. An over-mixed formula caused excess air bubbles that made the soap float. Customers professed how much they loved the floating bar and it has been floating ever since.
  9. Halloween Safe-Driving Tips:According to Safe Kids USA, children are twice as likely to be killed by a vehicle on Halloween compared to other days of the year. Take extra caution behind the wheel on Halloween and use the following driving tips to keep trick-or-treaters safe.
    1. Yield to Trick-or-Treaters: Be prepared for children to run into the street at any time.
    2. Refrain From Passing Idle Vehicles: You never know when the driver in front of you has stopped to drop children off. Be patient and take extra caution when traveling near other vehicles.
    3. Park Your Mobile Phone: With children crowding the dark roads, it is especially important to avoid any distractions while behind the wheel.
    4. Communicate With Other Drivers: Use hazard lights when picking-up or dropping-off trick-or-treaters. And, always use turn signals.
    5. Consider Alternate Routes: Avoid driving near trick-or-treaters by taking routes that go around busy neighborhoods, not through them.
  10. Floods are the number one natural disaster in the U.S. If you have any questions about flood insurance or if you would like a quote to add flood insurance to an existing policy, please give us a call.
  11. Do you know the history of Veteran's Day? First celebrated in 1919 as "Armistice Day" honoring the troops of World War I, it was signed into national law by President Eisenhower in 1954 encompassing all veterans. It is celebrated every year on November 11th commemorating the Armistice, a cease-fire agreement which ended World War I on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. Following the Armistice, the Treaty of Versailles was signed and World War I officially ended. Veterans, thank you for your service!
  12. Sometimes cookbooks just don't do the trick. Your smartphone has some great apps for holiday prep! Hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
  13. Holiday parties are intended to be a joyous celebration of friends, family or co-workers, but occasionally things can go awry. Here are some tips to help you protect yourself in the event things do not go quite as planned.
  14. Theft soars to an all-time high during the holiday season. Whether it be break-ins or identity theft make sure to take the proper precautions:
    *If you are going out of town for the holidays, have a neighbor or trusted friend check on your home.
    *Keep a detailed record of credit card numbers, photos of valuables and serial numbers of big ticket items in the event of a theft. This information may make recovery more plausible.
    *Only do your online shopping on verified/trusted sites.Anyone have any additional tips to help avoid theft?
  15. Some major car manufacturers (and Google) are working on "piloted" self-driving cars. The driver would be required to give some input but the car would do most of the driving. What do you think, would you ever consider owning a self-driving vehicle?
  16. Ever wonder whose insurance will pay if a tree falls on your home?
  17. Sometimes our guilty pleasure television show can teach us a thing or two about insurance! Exhibit A: "Downton Abbey"
  18. DUI emphasis patrols will be out in force this holiday weekend. Remember that buzzed driving equals drunk driving. Take a cab, an Uber or call a friend.
  19. Honda's 2014 Odyssey minivan came with a built-in vacuum cleaner! If you could add a convenience item to your vehicle, what would it be?
  20. It is not just cell phones or passengers that cause distracted driving. What distracting habits would you like to break this month?
  21. Thinking about purchasing a home? It can be a daunting experience if you are just starting out. We are happy to assist you with questions regarding homeowner's insurance during your home buying process! To see the different coverage options we offer!
  22. Researches have concluded that voice-to-text apps are no safer to use while driving than texting itself. Texts can wait, keep your focus on the road.
  23. As the summer travel season approaches you may have to answer this question: "Would you like to purchase insurance for your rental car?" Your answer may depend on the type of auto insurance policy you have.
  24. Boating season opens on ! If you plan to play on the water this weekend make sure you have the essentials: sunscreen, life jackets and your insurance information! Questions about your coverage? Visit our Boat Insurance page
  25. Do you have a teen that will be a licensed driver soon? Make sure to talk with them about the importance of being a safe and focused driver.
  26. This coming Monday we will celebrate Memorial Day. Do you know how that tradition came to pass? Do you have any Memorial Day traditions of your own?
  27. We've all seen the "Click-it-or-Ticket" campaigns, not wearing a seat belt is a primary offense. Help keep yourself and others safe while riding in your vehicle by wearing a seat belt. Wearing a seat belt also helps save you money by avoiding a costly ticket. Buckle up!
  28. Tomorrow is the first day of summer!! In honor of the first day of summer, we are going to enjoy a refreshing glass of iced tea. What is your favorite summer refreshment?
  29. Is your RV insurance coverage right for you? There are a few options when it comes to RV coverage so check out our latest blog to find out more!
  30. Only a few more weeks of summer before the kids are back in school and summer as we know it comes to a close. What favorite summer activity is on your to-do list before all this glorious sunshine fades?
  31. Today is National Book Lovers Day (August 9)! What is your favorite book or series? Did you know that if you own any rare books, you can add them as scheduled property to your homeowner's insurance policy? You can also schedule art, jewelry, comic books or other valuables.
  32. According to a March 2013 study, only a third of American renters have renter's insurance. Renter's insurance can be as little as $10 a month and depending on the amount of insurance you choose, can provide coverage for most of your personal property if it is damaged due to a covered event. If you are in need of a renter's insurance policy, let us know! You may even qualify for a multi-policy discount! For more info about renter's insurance visit
  33. Many folks use Labor Day Weekend to take their last road trip of the summer. What is the one staple you must have while on a road trip?
  34. Fall brings additional hazards to the road. Roads are wet and covered in leaves and debris from blustery days. Give yourself plenty of room to stop, leave a safe distance between you and the car in front of you and make sure that your tires and brakes are in good repair. Welcome to Fall!
  35. Today marks the end of National Fire Prevention Week! Taking small steps can lead to big safety returns: Make sure flammable material stay away from open flames, chimneys are swept and checked before the first use and candles are put out prior to leaving your home or turning in for the night. Fire safety also means making sure your home is properly insured.
  36. Don't forget to add bright colors, lights or reflective tape to little ones Halloween costumes! Make sure to talk to your children about street safety before they step out for trick-or-treating.
  37. at 2 a.m. marks the end of daylight savings time. This means it's time to turn the clocks back an hour!
  38. Hosting a party this holiday season? Instead of banishing guest's coats to a bedroom, take the time to clean out your hall closet. Not only can you confidently display a clean closet, allowing guests to hang/grab their own coats, this gives you the opportunity to remove coats, shoes and other random items from your closet, you can decide what needs to be kept and what can be donated.
  39. As folks start to make their Thanksgiving treks across the city, state and country, we want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and a safe holiday weekend.
  40. Driving to your holiday destination? Make sure your vehicle is in good repair. Check your oil, tires and emergency kit before you head over the river and through the woods.
  41. Anyone feeling waterlogged? The next few days promise to bring more wind and rain to our region. While driving, remember to observe "Road Closed" signs for flooded streets, use your headlights and give yourself plenty of stopping room. If you do happen to get into an accident, make sure to collect the other party's insurance information as well as their driver's license, name and address. Stay safe and dry!
  42. All of this wet weather has been causing mudflows and sinkholes around the area. If your home is situated in an area at risk for a mudflow or landslide, a special policy may be necessary to help recoup damage costs from this type of event. Visit our Landslide & Mudslide insurance page or give us a call!
  43. Spring Cleaning Tip: You may have the urge to clean everything in your house in one day, but take it slow. Go room by room and sort through items that you want to keep or donate. For extra savings, keep an itemized list of all items donated, you may be able to deduct the donations from your 2014 income taxes. While you're itemizing, let your agent know if you added any valuables or collectibles and have them scheduled to your home, renters or condo insurance policy.
  44. What is the one thing you are looking (or looked) for in a new home? Big backyard, large kitchen, new roof? If you plan on purchasing a new home this year, let us help you find a great rate on a home insurance policy.
  45. January is National Blood Donor Month. Every day, thousands of individuals around the country require blood transfusions due to accidents or surgeries. Blood cannot be produced in a lab, it must be donated. If you are interested in donating blood, check out the link to the American Red Cross. Their website has resources regarding local blood banks and tips on how to prepare to be a donor.
  46. April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. While you are behind the wheel of a vehicle, your most important task is to be a safe and alert driver.
  47. It's Earth Day! Are you doing anything to commemorate the day? Planting trees, recycling, composting, etc.? Share your Earth Day activities with us!
  48. With boating season underway, take a moment to refresh yourself on boating safety and laws Purchase a new boat or personal watercraft for this season? Make sure to ask your agent about our competitive boat insurance
  49. Is your air conditioner ready for the summer heat? Might be a good idea to get it checked now, before the next heat wave hits.
  50. Today, June 14th, is Flag Day! Do you know the history of Flag Day?
  51. The start of the summer season also means the official start of BBQ season! Make sure that your grill is cleaned regularly to prevent fires, that the grill is pushed back from the house and other flammable items and make sure that the area around the grill is free of tripping hazards. Should a fire occur, your homeowner's insurance policy may help you recover. Ask your agent about your homeowner's insurance policy coverages or visit our website
  52. Are you renting a vacation home for a few days or weeks this summer? Chances are you will be bringing some personal property along with you. Did you know that your homeowner's or renter's insurance may cover damage to your personal property while at your vacation home? Ask your agent about personal property covered under one of these policies or visit our website for more information
  53. We all know the dangers of texting and driving, but combining texting with other activities that require your full attention, like walking, can lead to serious injuries as well.
  54. Only a few more weeks of summer before the kids are back in school and summer as we know it comes to a close. What favorite summer activity is on your to-do list before all this glorious sunshine fades?
  55. Do you own a small business? There are many options for business insurance, ask your agent what type of business insurance may be right for you!
  56. The season for motorcycle, boats, RVs and personal watercraft may be coming to a close, but your insurance policy for your "toys" never goes out of season! Even if you are no longer using these vehicles, keeping your insurance policy through the year helps protect your "toys" from theft, fire or other damage. Keeping your policy may even help protect you from a liability claim if someone is injured on or near your items. For more information about any of the policies listed above visit
  57. What is your favorite fall indulgence? Pumpkin Spice Lattes, fresh-baked apple pie or roasted turkey? Leave a comment and tell us what your favorite fall indulgence is!
  58. Planning to host a dinner party during the holidays? An easy way to get organized (and to not buy food/supplies you already have) is to clean out your fridge and pantry prior to doing your grocery shopping. This way you get rid of expired food stuffs, make room for the incoming supplies and it gives you a chance to see exactly what you'll need to make your signature dishes.
  59. When the weather starts to get chilly, you always want to make sure you have at least a half tank of gas in your vehicle. Anything less and ice could form on the inside of your tank, wreaking havoc on your engine.
  60. What is the one thing that folks must do when they come to ? Is there a restaurant they have to eat at or is there a trail or view they must see? What do you recommend?
  61. Did you are get jewelry or art from your loved one on Valentine's Day? Don't forget to schedule it to your homeowner's insurance policy.
  62. With the official start of spring tomorrow the weather will be improving and more runners and bikers will be hitting the sidewalks or streets. Driving with headlights on during gray days or inclement weather and being hyper-aware of your surroundings may help you see pedestrians. Pedestrians can help their visibility by wearing bright or reflective colors, looking both ways before crossing an intersection or crosswalk. Sharing the road can be safe and fun!
  63. Spring Outdoor Tip: If you are adding some new shrubs, flowers or trees to your yard and have pets, make sure the flora is not dangerous to your pets. The ASPCA has a comprehensive list of plants that could be harmful to your furry friends.
  64. April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. There are many things that can distract a driver (kids, pets, cell phones, spilled beverages, etc.) If you feel like you are becoming very distracted, pull over.
  65. For hot weather days: It is supposed to be pretty toasty over the next few days. Here are some tips to keep cool!*Spend more time in air conditioned places. If you don't have air conditioning, consider visiting a mall, movie theater or other cool public places.
    *Cover windows that receive morning or afternoon sun.
    *Dress in lightweight clothing.
    *Check up on your elderly neighbors and relatives and encourage them to take these precautions, too.
    *Drink liquids: Drink plenty of water. Avoid drinks with caffeine, alcohol and large amounts of sugar because they can actually dehydrate your body.
    *Have a beverage with you as much as possible, and sip or drink frequently. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink.
    *Make sure pets have plenty of water and a cool place to hangout
  66. Here are some great tips to keep your family and yourself safe in the event of a severe summer storm.
  67. What are some of your favorite summer activities? Could they be riding motorcycles, camping, hiking, fishing or traveling?
  68. Stay one step ahead of Mother Nature with coverage from and alerts from the National Weather Service!
  69. Power outages? Tips on ways to protect your home equipment.<>
  70. 'Tis that special time of year where men's cancer awareness take center stage, er, center face: Movember. Is anyone growing out their 'stache this month, share your progress!
  71. Have a student headed to college? If they plan to take their vehicle with them, make sure to let your agent know as insurance rates may fluctuate based on the primary location of the vehicle. If your student is leaving their vehicle at home, you may qualify for a discount on their auto insurance, make sure to ask your agent!
  72. Do you prefer to use a tent or a trailer when camping?
  73. Did you know that damage from storms including wind, hail and lightning may be covered under your homeowner's insurance policy? However, that policy does not cover water damage from rain or flash floods, you need a separate flood insurance policy for those events. For more information about flood insurance visit our website
  74. Today is Insurance Awareness Day (June 28th)!! If you have not looked at your insurance policies recently, today is a great day to make sure you have the amount of coverage that you need. If you have any questions about your policies, or if you would like to add or change them, please don't hesitate to give us a call or visit our website
  75. Camping can be a wonderful experience. Getting back to the great outdoors and bonding with friends and family. Help keep yourself safe and protected by properly securing food to discourage animal visitors, drinking responsibly, making sure your RV or campsite is free of trip or other injury hazards and making sure to put out all fires. If a spark from your fire ignites a wildfire, you could be held responsible for the damages or if someone injures themselves in your campsite, you could be responsible for their expenses. Ask us how a personal umbrella policy could help
  76. Having a home disaster preparedness kit can help keep your family safe and comfortable if you need to shelter-in-place at home.
  77. According to the U.S. Coast Guard, in 2012 there were 4515 boating accidents and 651 boating-related deaths. Keep alert and watch out for other vessels on the water. Have questions about what your current boat insurance policy covers or need a quote for a new policy?
  78. Who's going boating this weekend? If you plan to play on the water this weekend make sure you have the essentials: sunscreen, life jackets and your insurance information! Questions about your coverage? Visit our Boat Insurance page.
  79. Have a classic SUV? You might be ahead of the trend, as classic SUVs look to be the next big thing in car collecting. For more information about insuring your classic car or SUV visit us at
  80. Motor vehicle accidents are the number one cause of death among American teens. Have an ongoing conversation with your teen about the importance of safe driving and how their actions behind the wheel affect their passengers and other drivers.
  81. Taking extra steps to prevent car theft like not leaving valuables visible, having an alarm system and remembering to lock doors and roll up windows. Still, theft can happen.
  82. Getting a jump start on spring cleaning? If you plan on selling your goods on an online forum, having an awesome ad could go a long way to helping ensure folks view your items. Here are some helpful hints to writing a great ad.
  83. When you purchase a new vehicle, do you take into consideration how expensive (or inexpensive) the vehicle will be to maintain throughout your ownership?
  84. We've all done it: put off an oil change, forgetting about scheduled maintenance and ignoring that pesky little "check engine" light. Turns out, those make the list of the 10 worst things you can do to your car.
  85. Every car manufacturer has had a few cars they probably wish they hadn't made…here are the top 10 worst cars sold in the U.S.
  86. Have you driven sleepy this past year? A CDC study highlights factors that may make a driver drowsy.
  87. Super Bowl Sunday is almost here! Are you most excited for the game or the commercials?
  88. Do you need a separate condo insurance policy if your building already has one? Absolutely!
  89. Tomorrow is the official start of spring! If you plan on adding a new motorcycle or ATV this season, check out our great rates on insurance! Ask us about bundling your new motorcycle or ATV insurance with your existing policy for a potential discount!
  90. Who is prepping for RV season? What is your favorite part about road-tripping in your RV?
  91. Summer is not far-off and that means that the possibility of a wildfire increases. There are some ways you can prep your home for wildfire season. If you have questions about wildfires and your home insurance, give us a call!
  92. Fires are a potential hazard during the holiday season. Help avoid a homeowner's insurance claim by unplugging lights and blowing out candles before you head out for your holiday celebrations.
  93. Gear up. For optimum protection, always wear protective gear such as a safety-certified helmet, warm gloves, a windproof outer layer and boots. Also protect yourself and your snowmobile by having it properly insured. Visit our ATV page for more information
  94. If you plan on traveling this holiday season, let someone know! Your neighbors and a timer for your indoor lights could be a deterrent for thieves looking to break in while you are out.
  95. October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Know your risks and the warning signs. For more information visit
  96. Leaves are starting to fall! This is the perfect time to clean out those gutters, making sure that rainwater has a clear bath to drain or else you may wind up with leaks!
    *If you notice a large amount of leaves gathering near a storm drain, bag them up. Clogged storm drains can cause localized flooding and if you don't have a flood insurance policy you may have to pay for repairs out of pocket. For more information about flood insurance, visit our website!
  97. September 8th is International Literacy Day. Celebrate by curling up with your favorite book!
  98. As the temperature starts to climb, remember that rivers and lakes are still quite cold and jumping into an icy river could cause a shock to your system. If you do choose to go swimming, remember to use a buddy system and wear a life jacket.
  99. It's college acceptance season! As your child decides where they are going to be attending school, there are some insurance questions to be considered. Will your child take their vehicle? Is school local or more than 500 miles away? The answer to these questions could affect your child's auto insurance premium. If your child is headed off to school, give us a call and we can help by answering any questions you may have and updating/changing their existing auto insurance policy.
  100. While you're reorganizing your home, now is a great time to check the batteries in your smoke detectors. Working smoke detectors help protect your family in the event of a fire. In addition to smoke detectors, having a family plan in case of an emergency is great. A plan should include exit strategies from the house, a designated meet up place and a list of important phone numbers (family members, insurance agent, etc.)

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